Snake Plant Direction As Per Vastu: Benefits and Directions
The ancient science of Vastu Shastra, the science of construction or architecture in India believes everything in homes and buildings to be of some importance including plants. Snake Plant is another much-praised plant that is positioned not only for its ornamental purpose but also for its alleged ability to bring good energy into the home.
About the direction: In this section, we explore the more complex side of Vastu’s guidelines on how the Snake Plant should be oriented. Welcome to this educational lesson where we shed light on how the native power of this favorite plant can be utilized to bring more cohesiveness, success, and positivity into your surroundings.
Snake Plant Placement As Per Vastu:
Southeast Corner (Agneya or Agni Sthana):
It is said that keeping a Snake Plant in the southern or southeast corner of the house, that is the Agneya or Agni Sthana as it is called, helps to draw wealth. This placement also follows the Hindu Vastu science to aid in directing positive energies to bring wealth and prosperity into your environment.
Southwest Corner (Nairutya or Niruti Sthana):
One of the recommended directions as per Vastu Shastra to place the Snake Plant indoors is the Nairutya or Niruti Sthana which is the southwest corner. This placement affords this energy to define as well as materialize the structure of the home, thereby providing security, stability as well as strength to all relationships or perhaps financial areas of one’s life.
Northeast Corner (Ishanya or Ishana Sthana):
Located at the northeast section or the Ishanya or Ishana Sthana, Snake Plants must be placed in the home to complement Vastu findings that will help awaken the spiritualism and instinct of every homeowner. This placement makes functions of the frontal lobes precise causing clear thinking, guidance, and illumination that leads to an atmosphere of tranquility and serenity well suited for meditations.
Living Room or Common Areas:
This plant species is flexible and can be placed in the living room or other regions of your house to gain from the oxygen-producing and the ability to enhance the flow of energy properties. Having them strategically placed at door entrances or in any busy traffic areas aids in negating.
Near Electronic Devices:
One can place a Snake Plant adjacent to the electronic equipment assuming the role of protective shield against electromagnetic radiation taking care of the health of individuals as well as acting as an aid in bringing about positive influences and warding off negative effects of electromagnetic radiation emitted by most devices.
Entrance or Foyer:
Placing a Snake Plant inside the house more specifically at the entrance or door part of the house or the foyer brings a green color to the house while at the same time welcoming positive energy into the house as it acts as an air purifier to the rooms within the house as well as inviting those people who are inside the house or even the visitors into the house.
Avoid North and Northeast Corners:
Just like with any other indoor plant, Snake Plants should not be put in the north or northeast area of the house because those spaces are called spiritual ones and should be left open for the positive energy to circulate freely.
Study or Home Office:
Snake Plants can be placed in a study or the home office; it is believed to augment the productivity and sharpness of the mind. Its presence fosters concentration, leads to a decrease in stress levels, and provides an environment conducive to work and study.
Kitchen or Cooking Area:
It is essential to note that placing a Snake Plant in regions such as the kitchen or culinary section guarantees not only visual appeal but also functionality. It also assists in helping clean air, eradicate cooking fumes, and eliminate nahane energies that are unconstructive, making the surrounding atmosphere within the kitchen and the dining better for preparing food and feasting.
Children’s Room:
On the following points, it can be concluded that including a Snake Plant in the children’s room will help them grow and flourish: It provides a feeling of comfort and safety for the body to relax and obtain restful sleep and also provides a natural environment to raise your kids with.
Caring for Snake Plants:
Sansevieria, commonly referred to as snake plants, are easy-growing plants that are vouched for both their aesthetic and medicinal qualities capable of purifying the air. Therefore, adequate tendance is crucial in ensuring that they grow healthy and happy. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to care for your snake plant: Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to care for your snake plant:
1. Light
Snake plants are usually lit plants that need bright light but they are also well suited for low-light environments. One should not expose the plants to direct sun because the leaves could fry. They can grow in low light conditions although possibly, at a slower rate as compared to the other ideal conditions of growth.
2. Watering
Snake plants need a kind of neglect when it comes to watering; one common mistake therefore is over-watering. It prefers dry habitats and can survive dry seasons, green plants will be valued, in a drought-stricken area, as a source of water. Snake plants require less water than most other plants, therefore, water your snake plant only when the soil has a chance to get dry, it may take 2 weeks- 4 weeks depending on the climate and season.
3. Soil
It is also recommended one should use draining soils for the snake plants as an accumulation of water leads to root rot. You can use a combination of the potting soil and perlite, sand, and other materials used for plants’ repotting. Repotting is a very rare process to be conducted since snake plants do not like their roots to have much space to grow.
4. Temperature and Humidity
Rather, snake plants are temperature-hardy and can be grown in a variety of temperatures high and low temperatures do not affect this plant. They range from 60-85 F (15-29 C) temperatures and tropical low humidity that best fits them for indoor climate conditions.
5. Fertilization
Snake plants don’t require frequent feeding and consumption as they can be grown without the use of fertilizers. Fertilize gently and sparingly with a diluted fertilizer during the growth period, which extends from spring to summer, once in 2-3 months. This is particularly important because it is prudent not to fertilize the plant when the learners are not growing as fast during the winter season.
6. Pruning
Snake plant maintenance is quite simple and only calls for removing old or yellow leaves when necessary. To achieve a clean cut focus on the axil of the leaf and use a clean pair of scissors or pruning shears to cut. This leads to growth and ensures the plant has the desired look. The other is more of encouraging new growth and ensuring the plant looks healthy.
7. Cleaning
First and foremost, it tends to collect dust which if much accumulates on the leaves, hinders the photosynthesis process. To clean the affected leaves more frequently, and free them from dust and other particles, it is advisable to use a damp cloth or sponge.
8. Pests and Diseases
Snake plants are not very prone to bugs and disease, but they can sometimes get some problems such as mealybugs and spider mites, or root rot. Check your plant often for any presence of pests or diseases keep checking often and treat as you see suitable with natural or synthetic products.
9. Propagating
Snake plants can be propagated through division or leaf cuttings, which makes it relatively simple to grow. Division is done by separation of the rhizomes, these cuttings should be planted in different pots. Basal offsets can be left in water or soil till they produce rooting and at this stage transplanted to separate pots.
10. Vastu Placement
As per Vastu Shastra, it is suggested that you should place your snake plant in the zones associated with particular energy direction, like, east, west, or the north side of your room, though the east or south-east or south-western corners of your home are regarded as most appropriate. This placement is said to draw in money, stability, and good energy into your abode.
Where to Keep Snake Plant as Per Vastu?
Scientists have discovered that the movement of plants indoor such as the snake plant, instills positive energy balance in the surrounding ambiance as per the Vastu Shastra. Snake Plant has the ability to purify the air and it should be placed in the eastern or northern parts of the house.
They are thought to be places that people should visit or live in because they have positive energy and good feelings. It is advisable not to place this furniture in the bedroom or northeast section of the house. Further, it is also important to ensure that the plant is located in a room or an area that offers indirect sunlight.
By adopting these Vastu tips, it is possible to increase the flow of energy, and create a comfortable atmosphere as the snake plant also can be a part of home decor.
10 Benefits of Snake Plants as Per Vastu
- Positive Vibes: Snake Plants have some great effects on our mood and energy so these plants can make your home a more cheerful one.
- Cleaner Air: It serves as an air purifier helping you to eliminate any toxic substances as well as pollutants in the air, making air fresher for you to breathe in.
- Good Luck Charm: It is said that if you have a Snake Plant at your home, then having it is like having a luck magnet to attract and bring luck and wealth to your home.
- Stress Buster: This shows that they can work to alleviate stress and anxiety hence making the atmosphere calm and serene.
- Sleep Aid: Snake Plants produce oxygen at night thus; they increase the quality of sleep and thus a way to wake up feeling fresh.
- Space Saver: They come in very small dimensions yet they bring very many advantages in the process and are therefore appropriate for small areas.
- Low Maintenance: The Snake Plant is one of the low-maintenance house plants and hence, does not demand too much care or attention from its owner.
- Kid and Pet Friendly: Children and pets are safe, Snake Plants are to some extent hazardous and the toxic level is very low hence safe for use by everyone.
- Decor Boost: Snake Plants have a very neat appearance and the current trend is more and more sophisticated so the plants can complement the interior of your home optimally.
- Positive Feng Shui: Putting the Snake Plant in certain areas of your house can assist in regulating energy circulation and enhance optimistic feelings.
A Snake Plant in your home is not just an aesthetic addition, the inclusion also means that you get to enjoy several effective advantages that are going to help you live a better lifestyle which moves with Vastu Shastra.
Plant A Snake Plant In The Dining Area:
Snake plants should be planted in the dining area since it can make one feel good when taking food thus it will make everyone feel close and comfortable when sharing food. Pothos are believed to have numerous health benefits and should be grown in sets of five, while snake plants, if placed in the dining room of varying sizes, would bring mutual affection among the family members, as per Vastu.
Also, having a tiny snake plant pot with lively green leaves planted in the middle of a dining table can reinforce constructive energy. These are some of the plants that are easy to maintain and can adapt to indoor conditions, which makes it possible to include them if you want to bring in a bit of greennerss to your dining area.
All in all, having a snake plant in your dining space can help a lot in providing relaxation to the sense of eating and enhancing the dining experience.
Final Words:
Based on Vastu Shastra, snake plants can bring various positive aspects to people’s lives if arranged in different rooms of the house. These are considered lucky charms to bring in prosperity, luck, and love, and open different opportunities, spiritual connections, and many health benefits.
Snake plants are excellent easy-to-care-for indoor plants that can adapt well to different environments and light conditions; they are worth incorporating into any home to contribute to a better quality of energy within the household.
Where do you place a snake plant for good luck?
An ideal spot to place a snake plant is in the southeastern sector of the house for numerous benefits as a symbol of fortune.
Which direction is best for plants according to Vastu?
Vastu provides indications of direction and location for plants as per its rules, it is best to place the plants either in the east or north.
Can snake plants be kept in the bedroom according to Vastu?
Well, it is perfectly okay to have snake plants in the bedroom according to Vastu.
How to check direction of the house?
Take a compass to ensure that you are focused in the right direction of your house.
How can I increase my luck as per Vastu?
Lucky Vastu can be increased by tidying up your home and making sure your space is relatively minimalist.
Are fake plants fit for home?
Real plants may not be ideal for putting in fake homes but fake plants could also be making homes fake too, for energy lamps are necessary for light because real plants give oxygen and ease up the bad-smelling air they take in.
Stephan William is an Agriculture Engineering graduate. Currently, he is working as an associate Agri Engineer. He is passionate about intertwining his love for writing and plants. Stephan is enthusiastic about delving into the difficulties of the Garden and expanding his knowledge in the field.