Spider Plant Vastu

Spider Plant Vastu Benefits, Care & Direction

They are some of the most common indoor plants widely deplored for their beautiful grey-green foliage and trailing stems. In addition to the appearances, or artistry of these plants, spider plants are also considered beneficial, as per Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian art or science. They purify the air from various pollutants which is why…

Snake Plant Direction As Per Vastu

Snake Plant Direction As Per Vastu: Benefits and Directions

The ancient science of Vastu Shastra, the science of construction or architecture in India believes everything in homes and buildings to be of some importance including plants. Snake Plant is another much-praised plant that is positioned not only for its ornamental purpose but also for its alleged ability to bring good energy into the home. …

Does lemon Cypress Repel Mosquitoes

Does Lemon Cypress Repel Mosquitoes

The lemon cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Goldcrest’) is a beautiful, multi-functional plant for gardens and landscaping. In addition to its attractive foliage and appearance, it provides an alternative to natural mosquito repellents. With a powerful citrus scent, the leaves of this plant, however, have naturally repellent compounds that drive mosquitoes away and stop them from staying…

How Big Do Lemon Cypress Get

How Big Do Lemon Cypress Get

Lemon cypress trees, called either Monterey cypress or Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Goldcrest’, grow famous as ornamental plants thanks to their shiny yellow-green leaves and crisp lemony smell. A mixture of indoor versions, such as potted plants or those grown outdoors, bring a beautiful fragrance and a little brightness to any environment.  Through this article, you will…