How Fast Do Snake Plants Grow

How Fast Do Snake Plants Grow? A Simple Guide to Snake Plant Growth

Snake plants, with their striking vertical leaves and remarkable adaptability, have become a popular choice for indoor and outdoor plant enthusiasts alike.

 If you’re curious about the pace at which these resilient plants grow and how to optimize their development, you’ve come to the right place.

Here is a full guide about how fast snake plants grow and provide valuable insights into their growth stages, care tips, and the factors that can influence their growth rates.

Snake Plant Growth Rate

Snake plants, also known as Sansevieria, typically grow at a moderate pace. Providing your snake plant with proper care, including adequate sunlight, well-draining soil, and moderate watering, can contribute to a healthier and more robust growth rate. 

It’s important to note that while snake plants are generally slow growers, they can thrive and adapt well to different environments.

On average, they can add about 2 to 6 inches (5 to 15 centimeters) of height per year. However, the growth rate may vary based on factors like light, water, and soil conditions.

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Snake Plant Growth Rate

How to Boost Growth of Snake Plant

Boosting the growth of your snake plant is easy with a few simple tips:

Keep the Soil Moist, Not Wet:

  • Water your snake plant when the top inch of the soil feels dry.
  • Make sure the pot has drainage holes so excess water can escape.
  • Overwatering can lead to root rot, so let the soil dry out a bit between waterings.

Choose a Sunny Spot:

  • Place your snake plant in a spot where Fsun
  • These plants can tolerate low light, but they’ll thrive better with some sunshine.
  • Avoid placing them in direct, intense sunlight for long periods.

Give it a Nutrient Boost:

  • Use a balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer).
  • Dilute the fertilizer to half or quarter strength to avoid overfeeding.
  • Fertilize every 4-6 weeks to provide the plant with essential nutrients.

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Growth of Snake Plant

Snake Plant Growth Stages

  • Sprouting:
    • This is when your snake plant is just starting to grow from a tiny shoot or baby plant.
    • At this stage, it’s delicate, so be gentle with it.
    • Give it some water, but not too much. Think of it like a little plant baby taking its first sips.
  • Establishment:
    • As your snake plant grows, it enters the establishment stage.
    • It’s like the teenage phase for the plant – it’s getting stronger but still needs some attention.
    • Provide regular water and make sure it gets some light. Think of it like feeding and nurturing a growing kid.
  • Maturity:
    • Now your snake plant is all grown up.
    • At this stage, it’s more robust and doesn’t need as much hand-holding.
    • Water it sparingly, and it can handle a bit of neglect. It’s like having an independent adult plant.

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Snake Plant Growth Stages

How to Care for Your Snake Plant

Taking care of your snake plant is easy! Follow these simple steps:

1. Light:

  • Keep your snake plant where it can get bright, indirect sunlight.
  • Don’t worry if the light is not super strong; these plants can handle lower light too.

2. Watering:

  • Let the soil dry out between watering.
  • Don’t water too often to avoid overwatering and root rot.

3. Fertilizing:

  • Feed your snake plant with a balanced liquid fertilizer.
  • Do this every 4-6 weeks during the growing season.

4. Soil:

  • Use well-draining soil for your snake plant to prevent waterlogging.
  • A cactus or succulent mix works well.

5. Temperature:

  • Snake plants are tough and can handle different temperatures, but they prefer between 70-90°F (21-32°C).

6. Humidity:

  • They are not picky about humidity, making them adaptable to various indoor conditions.

7. Repotting:

  • Consider repotting your snake plant every 2-3 years or when it outgrows its container.
  • This helps refresh the soil and provides more room for growth.

8. Pruning:

  • Trim any yellow or damaged leaves with clean scissors or pruning shears.
  • This keeps your plant looking tidy and redirects energy to healthier parts.

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Care for Your Snake Plant

Snake Plant Growth Indoors vs. Outdoors


Indoors, snake plants can thrive, but their growth might be a tad sluggish. These hardy plants are quite adaptable and can manage with both bright, indirect sunlight and lower light conditions. 

However, the controlled environment indoors may put a bit of a brake on their growth speed. 

While they’ll still grow and be a lovely addition to your indoor space, you might notice that they take their time compared to their outdoor counterparts.


Outdoors, and snake plants revel in the freedom of soaking up natural sunlight. Unlike their indoor counterparts, outdoor snake plants experience a sunbathing delight.

 The abundance of sunlight outdoors works like a growth booster, leading to a faster pace of development when compared to their indoor buddies.

The direct exposure to nature’s elements, from the sun’s rays to the outdoor air, often results in a more robust growth pattern.

Key Points For You:

  • Indoors, they thrive but may grow at a slower pace.
  • Outdoors, benefit from sunlight, leading to quicker and more vigorous growth.

Why is My Snake Plant Not Growing?

If your snake plant seems to be taking its sweet time to grow, a few things might be going on. Let’s look at some reasons and simple fixes:

1. Soil Moisture:

  • Snake plants like a bit of moisture in their soil. If the dirt is too dry, it can put the brakes on growth.
  • Solution: Check the soil regularly. If it feels really dry, give your plant a good drink. But remember, they don’t like wet feet, so let the soil dry out a bit between waterings.

2. Lighting Issues:

  • Light is like food for your snake plant. If it’s not getting enough, growth can slow down.
  • Solution: Make sure your plant is getting some good, indirect sunlight. They’re pretty chill and can handle lower light, but don’t stick them in a dark corner.

3. Temperature Troubles:

  • Snake plants are like Goldilocks when it comes to temperature—they like it just right. Extreme temperatures, too hot or too cold, can make them sluggish.
  • Solution: Keep your indoor thermostat set between 70-90°F (21-32°C). If it’s too chilly or sweltering, your snake plant might not be thrilled.

4. Patience is a Virtue:

  • Sometimes, plants are just slow growers. It’s like waiting for a watched pot to boil; you just have to give it time.
  • Solution: Be patient, keep up with care routines, and your snake plant might surprise you with growth when you least expect it.

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Snake Plant Not Growing

How to Make Snake Plant Grow Tall?

If you dream of having a tall and majestic snake plant, here’s your recipe for success:

1. Optimal Lighting:

To help your snake plant grow tall and proud, focus on providing the ideal lighting conditions. Select a location where it can bask in bright, indirect sunlight.

 This type of light encourages the plant to stretch upwards as it naturally reaches for the light source, fostering vertical growth. 

By placing your snake plant in a sunlit spot, you’re giving it the green light to reach new heights and become a striking and towering addition to your space. 

Remember, a little sunshine goes a long way in promoting the upward growth of your beloved snake plant.

2. Proper Watering:

To make your snake plant grow tall and healthy, water it just right. Stick to a regular watering routine, making sure the soil is a bit damp but not soaked. 

Avoid giving it too much water, as that can cause problems like root rot. By keeping things simple and not drowning your plant, you’re helping it grow happily and stand tall.

3. Balanced Fertilization:

Make your snake plant grow tall by feeding it a balanced fertilizer. It’s like giving it a healthy meal with all the nutrients it needs for upward growth. 

Just a little boost and your plant will stand strong and tall in no time. Keep it simple, and your snake plant will love you for it.

Additional Tips For You:

  • Rotate the plant occasionally to promote even growth on all sides.
  • Prune any yellow or unhealthy leaves to redirect the plant’s energy to new growth.


The speed at which snake plants grow depends on several factors. Creating the right environment with ideal lighting, consistent watering, and balanced fertilization can boost their growth.

 Remember, patience is crucial, and adjusting your care routine to suit different growth stages ensures a healthy and flourishing snake plant in the long run.


Do Snake Plants Grow Fast or Slow?

Snake plants generally have a moderate growth rate. Patience is essential for optimal development.

Are Snake Plants Slow Growers?

While not extremely fast, snake plants are adaptable and can exhibit steady growth under favorable conditions.

How Do You Speed Up Snake Plant Growth?

Optimize lighting, watering, and fertilizing to accelerate snake plant growth.

How Fast Do Baby Snake Plants Grow?

Baby snake plants can grow slowly initially but pick up the pace with proper care and conditions.

How Big Do Snake Plants Get?

Snake plants can reach varying heights, with mature plants often ranging from 2 to 4 feet tall.

Now armed with knowledge of snake plant growth, you can cultivate a thriving indoor or outdoor garden with these remarkable plants.

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